Pool Rules

Pool Rules and Regulations

The following rules and regulations have been established for the benefit and protection of all users of the Emory Valley Recreation Club swimming pool facilities, and to provide enjoyable recreation for all members and their guests.

Pool Hours/Guarded Hours

            The pool will be open for swimming Daily from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.  

            Guards are on duty Monday - Sunday from 1:00 p.m. -6:00 p.m.                                            


The Board of Directors in accordance with Corporation by-laws, will be in charge of the pool and various phases of its operation.

Enforcement of the Rules

The Board of Directors will be the governing body for proper enforcement of rules and regulations as established by the Corporation. These rules and regulations are to be administered by the lifeguard on duty, pool manager, and/or board of directors who all have the authority to request police assistance in the event of refusal to vacate the premises or threats of physical violence.  

Lifeguards, Pool Manager, Board of Directors also have the authority to suspend pool privileges for infractions of the rules and regulations for periods of time up to one week, depending upon the severity of the offense. Suspension applies to the entire member family. Suspension of pool privileges for one or more weeks for serious offenses will be by action of the Board of Directors. Parents will be notified by a committee member, or pool manager, in the case of a suspension of more than 24 hours.

Revocation of membership for violations of rules and regulations is possible under Article IV, Section 9 of the by-laws. 

Lifeguards will keep a written record of offenders.

Identification and Registration

All persons using the pool are required to register upon first entering the pool enclosure by presenting their membership card to the lifeguards on duty.  Members shall register their guests.

Guest Privileges

The following rules and regulations support Article IV, Section 10 of the by-laws:

Any member who does not comply with the rules for guest privileges as set forth above will be subject to penalties (suspension or revocation) set forth in the by-laws, Article IV, Section 9.


Admission of Children

It shall be the prime responsibility of parents to safeguard the activities of their children while engaged in utilizing the facilities of the Corporation. It is not the purpose of the Corporation to provide for or administer any basic swimming test, or to establish qualifications to swim in given depths of the pool. Rather, the responsibility for determining a swimmer’s qualifications to use one depth area versus another will be charged to the judgment of the parents. A member assumes these same responsibilities for guests.

Wading Pool

General Pool Usage

Pool Usage when Lifeguards are on Duty

Pool Usage when Lifeguards are NOT on Duty

Health and Sanitation

Swimming and Diving Regulations

Only one person will be permitted on the diving board at one time. Divers will not dive until previous diver, or swimmers, have left the area below the board. Diving will not be permitted from the side of the board. Excessive bounding of the board is prohibited. Running dives from the pool deck are prohibited. Swimmers must keep clear of the immediate diving area when the diving board is in use. 

Floats are to be kept between the shallow end and the rope. The use of floats or other toys shall be left to the discretion of the lifeguards and will depend upon pool conditions. There should be absolutely no jumping from the side of the pool onto a float in the water.

The rope must be kept up at all times.

Rules of Conduct

Dunking, running, horseplay, and other unsafe practices are considered to be serious offenses. Offenders are subject to disciplinary action by the lifeguards, who have authority to enforce rules and regulations. The throwing of hard (e.g. Frisbees) or sharp objects is prohibited. 

Only the lifeguard is allowed on the lifeguard’s chair. Diving from the lifeguard’s chair is expressly prohibited.


The lifeguards or other responsible adult will be responsible for answering the phone and enforcing the three-minute limit on calls, determining that the need to make a call, and delivering messages to appropriate parties. Calls should not exceed three minutes.

Pool Access

The only acceptable route to the pool for bicycle riders and walkers is the path parallel to Emory Valley. Anyone going under, over, or through the fence or shrubs which separate the pool property from the properties of the homeowners behind the pool will be suspended from the pool for one week for the first violation and for the summer for the second violation.

Pool Operation

The use of Styrofoam objects is discouraged. The Pool Manager and Lifeguards may prohibit items which might adversely affect the operation of the pool or associated equipment. 

Roadside Gate

The roadside gate will be locked at all times when the pool is closed for swimming.


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 Revised May 2011